Sweet Sheet - Multimedia / Video

Multimedia is a variety of different elements you can add to a webpage.
It includes music/audio, images, animation, Video among other things.
Early browsers were not capable of handling multimedia files,
but has evolved so that you can embed these elements into your webpages
and they will play on most if not all browsers. You can tell a file
type by the extension, for example, .wav, .mp3, .wmv, mp4, .avi, .mp4, and .mpg.
Many of us are used to seeing or even working with .mp3/.mp4. Common Video Formats:
Mp4, WebM, Ogg are HTML friendly.(standard)
Mp4 is Youtube.

.mpg is no longer supported by HTML. It was the first popular format.
.avi works on windows computers but not web browsers. (Video cameras, TV hardware)
.wmv works on windows computer but not web browsers. (Video cameras, TV hardware)
.mov (quicktime) works on apple computers but not web browsers. (Video Cameras, TV Hardware)
.rm/.ram for low bandwith streaming. Not browser friendly.
.sfw/.flv required a plug-in to play in browsers.
.ogg - HTML support.
.webm HTML support.
.mp4 all browers support it and youtube recommended

Common Audio Formats:
Mp3 (best format for music)

.mid/.midi works on computers and music hardware but not web browsers
.rm/.ram streaming low bandwidth, not for browsers
.wma works on windows not browsers
.aac works on apple but not browsers
.wav works on windows, mac, linux and supported by HTML
.ogg supported by HTML
.mp3 most popular, supported by all browsers
.mp4 video format that supports audio, supported by all browsers.

The following code is needed to embed videos into HTML.

The text in the video tags will only show up if the browser does not like your file type.
If you want your video to start playing immediately, use ‘autoplay’ in the source section.
Not all browsers will let it happen, but ‘autoplay muted’ will work.

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